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HousingSustainable Food Production Strategies Carefully designed edible landscapes mostly consist of perennial plants such as fruit trees, berries and herbs which balance soil nutrient content and integrate into the surrounding ecosystems. In conjunction with edible co-cropping landscapes, annual crops can be grown by various established techniques based on Permaculture, Bio-dynamics and Bio-intensive farming. One of the Permaculture designs Green New World applies is co-cropping or inter-cropping also known from permaculture design as plant guilds which creates a resilient thriving garden or field where nutrient soil content is balanced through the knowledgeable selection of plants and pest resilience is accommodated by deterrent plants. Additional fertilization or pest control is omitted so that less time is required to maintain such gardens or fields. Another method to produce large quantities of food is crop rotation which is more advantageous to grains and food stocks where soil nutrient content remains balanced by the type and sequence of crops that are grown. Crop rotation may require some form of natural pest and weed control which is accomplished by knowledge of natural remedies.